Saturday, September 1, 2012

Best Friends!

Meet Abby, she is Kennedy's best friend (well maybe its a forced friendship for now).  She belongs to Alyssa, my best friend, which means they must be best friends right?  Abby is almost to the day 2 months younger then Kennedy.  I still remember the day when Alyssa called me to announce her pregnancy and asked if our babies could be friends!  I was so excited!  Well Abby, Alyssa, and Dusting (Alyssa's husband) came down and visited the other day and Abby and Kennedy finally got to play.  I guess "play" isn't exactly what they did, it was more Abby trying to figure out what was going on and where she was and Kennedy rolled on her tummy looking at Abby like "Hey, what are you doing" and also trying to grab Abby's arm (I'm sure to stick in her mouth since she is at the stage where she will stick anything and everything in her mouth!).  Anyways it made me so excited for when they can really be friends even if it is forced because Alyssa and I are best friends!  Kennedy and I were also able to go up to their place (they finally moved close enough to visit) and go swimming!  It was so much fun, we had a blast!  Of course Kennedy loved swimming as always and it apparently was very relaxing to both babies because they both fell asleep in the middle of swimming!  crazy babies!

They are so cute huh!  and totally opposites!
Now all I need to do is convince Dustin to move down here (Alyssa and Abby are already convinced) closer so we can hang out everyday!  (ha ha im sure our husbands would love that!)

I love having a best friend who has a baby like the same age as mine!  Next time we will have to try for opposite genders so they can get married (JK!)

1 comment:

  1. The best of friends...whether they like it or not! :) Soon, we'll be neighbors. it will happen, if I have to drag my husband blindfolded to a new house and get a job for him!
