Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Girl looking back at me

Kj loves looking at herself in the mirror (which I'm sure is the same with all small children).  Every time you pass a mirror you can find her trying to catch a glimpse at herself.  And if you set her in front of mirror she will giggle and laugh and stare at herself for long periods of time.  
I bought myself a new mirror the other day with the intention of turning it into a large chalkboard (maybe if I'm ambitious I will post a picture of it when I'm done).  As I set Kennedy down on the ground in our entry room for a minute before putting her in her car seat, she immediately crawled as fast as she could to the mirror and stood up to look at herself.  The smiling, laughing, and babbling came immediately (I even caught her giving herself kisses in the mirror, cute right!).  When I saw this I began to wonder, when did I grow out of this?  When did I become a person that will avoid looking at mirrors as a I walk past them or when I do look in them I have to pick out something wrong with the person looking back?  When did I decide it wasn't fun to make faces and laugh at the crazy silly person looking back?  It almost brought tears to my eyes thinking that some day that could be KJ.  Some day that beautiful fun girl staring back at her in the mirror isn't good enough or she doesn't want to look at her.  I hope this never happens and I hope that as she grows up looking at herself in the mirror that she can always know that she is good enough.  That although she can always find imperfections in herself that it doesn't matter because she is a daughter of God and she will always be perfect in his eyes.  I hope that she can realize that if she is happy on the inside it will reflect on the outside and that is beauty that matters!

January Funk

When this year began I had every intention of beginning and fulfilling all the new year resolutions I set for myself.  Which is abnormal for me because I normally don't care and get bored of trying to improve myself but I decided to give it a try this year.  

On New Years Eve Eric began feeling sick, and a couple of days later Kennedy and I followed.  I thought it was just the miserable flu that was going around but after a week and half of not feeling any better and several days of just laying on the couch refusing to move because my body ached too much we finally went to see a doctor.  He informed me that I had the flu along with strep throat and a sinus infection and Eric probably had the same thing.  We headed off with our antibiotics and heads a little higher at the thought of maybe we would finally feel better.  A week later we finally started to feel a little better but at this time KJ was feeling worse then ever.  We went to insta-care thinking she might have an ear infection and the doctor informed as that she just had a cold.  Only 3 days later her ears bursted and started draining dramatically and would not stop so off to her pediatrician we went where he informed us that she had a terrible ear infection in both of her ears and we went once again home with some antibiotics for her.  Long Long story to be shortened we spent the whole month of January sick in the household with nothing accomplished.  I feel like this January was a funk for then just our family and it still amazes me that it could even be February!  We are all better now and luckily in time for Eric to head up to session at the capitol for his internship.