Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Its been awhile....

     Since Eric had the computer (unfortunately we only own one) with him at his internship up at the capitol for the 45 days, I never had any time to use it.  When I finally got it back I seemed to be busy and still didn't have anytime to update the blog. I have been racking my brain with what I should write about because so much has happened that I just continued to put it off but something happened to me that I wanted to share with everyone immediately. It was something that maybe only I (and Eric) thought was exciting. Back in February I quit my job on a total whim. I had been thinking about it for a while, but it was never actually serious.  After a couple of events that happened to me in February I came home one day and told Eric I was going to put in my two weeks notice.  To my complete surprise he said OK, that's fine.  It wasn't a surprise that he was OK with me quitting just that he didn't even question why I had decided to quit all of a sudden.  So the next day that is just what I did, and with no job lined up to replace it. I decided that I would take a little time off before getting a new one. 
     March came and went when I realized it was time for me to get back to the job search, but I just continued to put it off due to laziness. I had told a couple of people that I needed to find a job again, just something like before where I only worked a couple days during the week and in the mornings if possible and maybe doing something other then assisted living like before. A couple weeks later I got a text from my awesome best friend, Nicole, (she really is the best for a million reasons more then just this) saying that her work is hiring (she works in rehab).  She then calls me a day later and tells me that her manager is looking for someone to work just a couple days a week. Nicole, being the amazing friend she is, tells her manager that I was looking, and that they should hire me! Perfect right.... So immediately I apply and soon enough I got a call for an interview. I went into the interview pretty confident. Only a few sentences into the interview and the lady that interviewed me said that I sounded like just the person that they were looking for.  We went through the process and it seemed smooth enough.  She ended the interview by telling me that if I got a call the next day then I would know that I had gotten the job. The next day I made sure my phone was on loud and that it was always next to me.  Slowly the time continued to pass until it was 5 o'clock. I knew at this point it had to mean that I didn't get it. She had made it sound like if I didn't hear from her the next day that I was not going to be getting the job.  I had mixed emotions on whether to be sad or not but I was really hoping I would get it.  By that night I was convinced that I didn't get the job. That following Sunday Eric told me that I didn't need to worry, and he felt that I would get the job. With no belief in him because it was past the day she said she would call I just replied no I didn't.  All while this is happening I continued to pray that I could find something as perfect as this job would have been. 
     A couple days went by and on Tuesday we decided since Eric had the day off we were in desperate need to attend the temple. We had been having bad luck the past couple of times we had planned to go with babysitting, weather, etc but lucky enough my dad said that morning he could babysit Kennedy while we went.  In the temple I felt peace as always but at the end before I left I said my usual prayer and prayed/pleaded that I would be able to find a job.  During this I felt continual peace that I need not to worry, but just have faith.  This peace is something that I had been lacking, I had only been feeling stress and worry about finding a job and finding it soon before that.  After getting out of the temple I looked at my phone which I left in the car and had a missed call and voice mail.  On the voice mail the interviewer extended me a job!  I GOT THE JOB!  I was so excited.  Eric then told me about how he had felt that I got the job from the spirit and was confused when I didn't receive the call.  He also felt it another time in the temple but still had the same thought as me of the fact I hadn't got a call yet. This was such a simple faith builder for us that when the Lord tells you something through the spirit that it is important we listen and we never forget that the Lord doesn't lead us astray.  We have to have continual faith in him.  I am grateful for these small reminders of just that. I am also grateful that I got the job! Sorry about the incredibly long story, but I just wanted to share my happiness with everyone or just the one person that reads this blog!

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